19 Mart 2014 Çarşamba



Read some Leveling Tips :D

1. Always aim for orange & yellow level mob to get s higher experience but avoid the red level one.

      1.1 Download or get a " Quest helper addon " so you know where to go on your quest.

      1.2  If you are playing in Molten server, don't forget to claim some vote points, to buy some level nice gears on the molten-wow marketplace when you reach level 80.

2. Don't waste your time in killing low or same level mobs.

     2.1 Go to the trainer on the every village, select the yellow or orange quest or the green one but less EXP.

3. Always complete orange or yellow  & green level quest, don't waste time on completing the gray color quest.

4. Don't stay on the same place, move to other places that have orange level mobs.

5. Ask for help to the high level character or the best if you have some friends, that can do the finishing kill to the mobs that you lore...

6. As early, pick a profession, I suggest MiningEnchanting, or a Herbalism, it will make you rich of gold, when rich level 80, because of the expensive materials that you collect along the way.

Mining - While leveling your character , along the way there's a lot of mineral deposits, the contain materials for Blacksmith, Enchanting etc. , that you can sell in the Auction House for a good price  or for your own use, when you choose a profession that help you in PVP or PVE purposes.

Enchanting - You can Dis-enchant weapons & armor that are not soulboud, that gives you some materials that you can sell in AH and for your own use.

Herbalism - Along the way while leveling you character, collect all the herbs this will also gives you  more gold when you reach level 80.

Additional Tips : 

! Kill all Alliance on your way... if you can " this is the exciting part of the game ", to practice your PVP skills, believe me!  doing this can help you, when you reach level 80.
! Use the server teleporter for fast travel between villages.

Levels 1 - 10 

Get all the quest on starting zone, all quest here are easy and could bring you to level 10.

Trolls & Orcs: Durotar
Undead: Trisfal Glades
Tauren: Mulgore
Blood Elves: Eversong Woods

LEVELS 10-20

Trolls & Orcs: The Barrens
Undead: Silverpine Forest
Tauren: The Barrens
Blood Elves: Ghostlands

LEVELS 20-30

Trolls & Orcs:  Thousand Needles
Undead : Thousand Needles
Tauren : Thousand Needles
Blood Eleves : Thousand Needles

LEVELS 30-40

How to go to UnderCity :

Head to Orgrimmar look for a zeppelin tower besides the villages, click the goblin in the tower " read the pop-up text " look for Undercity " to know where the flying ship goes.

! You can use your server teleporter, since this is a main village for undead. 

Trolls & Orcs:  Arathi Highlands, Desolace, Alterac Mountains, Stranglethorn Vale, Undercity : Tarren Mills 
Undead : Arathi Highlands, Desolace, Alterac Mountains, Stranglethorn Vale, Undercity : Tarren Mills 
Tauren : Arathi Highlands, Desolace, Alterac Mountains, Stranglethorn Vale, Undercity : Tarren Mills 
Blood Eleves : Arathi Highlands, Desolace, Alterac Mountains, Stranglethorn Vale, Undercity : Tarren Mills

LEVELS 40-45

Trolls & Orcs:  Hinterlands, Tanaris
Undead : Hinterlands, Tanaris
Tauren : Hinterlands, Tanaris
Blood Eleves : Hinterlands, Tanaris

LEVELS 50-58

Trolls & Orcs:  Western Plaguelands, Winterspring
Undead : Western Plaguelands, Winterspring
Tauren : Western Plaguelands, Winterspring
Blood Eleves : Western Plaguelands, Winterspring

LEVELS 58-65

Trolls & Orcs:  Go to Outland: Hellfire Peninsula 
Undead : Go to Outland: Hellfire Peninsula 
Tauren : Go to Outland: Hellfire Peninsula 
Blood Eleves : Go to Outland: Hellfire Peninsula 

LEVELS 65-70

Trolls & Orcs:  Go to Outland: Zangarmarsh,   Nagrand 
Undead : Go to Outland: Zangarmarsh,   Nagrand 
Tauren : Go to Outland: Zangarmarsh,   Nagrand 
Blood Eleves : Go to Outland: Zangarmarsh,   Nagrand 

LEVELS 70-77

NORTHREND SHIP on the Orgrimmar!

Head to Orgrimmar look for a zeppelin tower besides the villages, click the goblin in the tower " read the pop-up text " look for Borean Tundra " to know where the flying ship goes.

Trolls & Orcs:  Go to Nothrend: Borean Tundra 
Undead : Go to Nothrend: Borean Tundra 
Tauren : Go to Nothrend: Borean Tundra 
Blood Eleves : Go to Nothrend: Borean Tundra

You can also go to DragonBlight that also have some easy quest.

LEVELS 77-80

Trolls & Orcs:  Go to Dalaran: Get the cold-weather Flying, go to  Sholazar Basin or go to grizzly hills
Undead :Go to Dalaran: Get the cold-weather Flying, go to  Sholazar Basin or go to grizzly hills
Tauren :Go to Dalaran: Get the cold-weather Flying, go to  Sholazar Basin or go to grizzly hills
Blood Eleves : Go to Dalaran: Get the cold-weather Flying, go to  Sholazar Basin or go to grizzly hills

Yay! Grats! You reach level 80 in no time. Now, if you using molten-wow ... sign-in to the server website, go to the Vote Point Market place and Gear Up!

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